2016 - n.º 224
Las perspectivas futuras que nos ofrece
este estudio se centran en replicarlo en otras
instituciones sanitarias y en promover estra-
tegias de intervención orientadas a fomen-
tar la adherencia de los medicamentos. En
conclusión, en los pacientes que iniciaron
tratamiento con venlafaxina de marca frente
a EFG, se asoció un mayor grado de adhe-
rencia al tratamiento, mejores resultados en
las variables clínicas, repercutiendo en unos
menores costes sanitarios para el sistema
nacional de salud español.
1. Bereza BG, Machado M, Ravindran AV, Ei-
narson TR. Evidence-based review of
clinical outcomes of guideline-recom-
mended pharmacotherapies for genera-
lized anxiety disorder. Can J Psychiatry.
2. Parmentier H, García-Campayo J, Prieto
R. Comprehensive review of generalized
anxiety disorder in primary care in Euro-
pe. Curr Med Res Opin. 2013;29:355-67.
3. Combs H, Markman J. Anxiety Disorders
in Primary Care. Med Clin North Am.
4. Weisberg RB. Overview of generalized
anxiety disorder: epidemiology, presen-
tation, and course. J Clin Psychiatry.
2009;70 Suppl 2:4-9.
5. Bereza BG, Machado M, Ravindran AV, Ei-
narson TR. Evidence-based review of
clinical outcomes of guideline-recom-
mended pharmacotherapies for genera-
lized anxiety disorder. Can J Psychiatry.
6. Parmentier H, García-Campayo J, Prieto
R. Comprehensive review of generalized
anxiety disorder in primary care in Euro-
pe. Curr Med Res Opin. 2013;29:355-67.
7. Combs H, Markman J. Anxiety Disorders
in Primary Care. Med Clin North Am.
8. Weisberg RB. Overview of generalized
anxiety disorder: epidemiology, presen-
tation, and course. J Clin Psychiatry.
2009;70 Suppl 2:4-9.
9. Hoffman DL, Dukes EM, Wittchen HU. Hu-
man and economic burden of generali-
zed anxiety disorder. Depress Anxiety.
10. Henning ER, Turk CL, Mennin DS, Fresco
DM, Heimberg RG. Impairment and qua-
lity of life in individuals with genera-
lized anxiety disorder. Depress Anxiety.
11. Unterecker S, Proft F, Riederer P, Lauer M,
Deckert J, Pfuhlmann B. The compari-
son of brand-name and generic formula-
tions of venlafaxine: a therapeutic drug
monitoring analysis. Ther Drug Monit.
12. Maly J, Dosedel M, Kubena A, Vlcek J.
Analysis of pharmacists’ opinions, at-
titudes and experiences with gene-
ric drugs and generic substitution in
the Czech Republic. Acta Pol Pharm.
13. Chen HY, Chang HR, Lang HC. Effects of
hospital generic drug substitution on
diabetes therapy. Patient Prefer Adhe-
rence. 2014;8:127-33.
Antoni Sicras-Mainar