2020 - n.º
tro GMF tiene como característica particular,
conducción terapéutica interdisciplinar
. El
presente artículo muestra el proceso de im-
plementación e integración del GMF en un
de intervención pre-
coz de los trastornos psicóticos incipientes.
Palabras clave:
Psicoterapia multifamiliar,
psicoterapia de grupo, psicosis incipiente,
primer episodio psicótico, estado mental de
alto riesgo.
Multifamily psychotherapy is a complex,
rich and inclusive group therapy model that
, families and a
to be included in the same place. The
first experiences in multi-family groups be-
gan in the United States during the 1950s,
in hospital settings, for the treatment of
psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia.
Over time, the multi-family model has been
spread throughout the world and has been
implemented in different healthcare ser-
vices such as day hospitals or community
programs as well as in a wide variety of cli-
nical populations. In February 2018, in the
Early Intervention Team in Psychosis
of the Baix Empordà area, of the public
mental health network of the province of Gi-
rona, a
Multifamily Group
(MFG) is created
for young people who have suffered from a
First Psychotic Episode (FPE) or they are at
risk of suffering it, the so-called High Risk
Mental States (HRMS). The team builds a
group therapeutic scenario with the aim of
linking, controlling and giving continuity of
treatment to the patient and their family.
Our multifamily approach has been inspired
by Jaakko Seikkula’s ideas and his
Open Dia-
psychotherapeutic model, and by the
contributions of Irvin Yalom on the efficacy
Group Therapeutic Factors
. We have pla-
ced special emphasis on the elements to be
taken into account when managing the emo-
tional climate of the group, which is known
as one of the most important variables of
psychic change. Our GMF has as its particular
Interdisciplinary Therapeutic
. This article shows the process
of implementation and integration of the
GMF in an incipient psychotic disorders early
intervention community program.
Key Words:
multifamily psychotherapy,
group psychotherapy, incipient psychosis,
first psychotic episode, high-risk mental
Origen de los grupos
La primera experiencia descrita en la litera-
tura sobre grupos multifamiliares, fue lleva-
da a cabo en Estados Unidos en el año 1953
por Abrahams y Varon en el St. Elizabeth’s
Hospital de Washington, como parte de un
proyecto de investigación en psicoterapia de
grupo (1). El estudio tenía como objetivo la
observación de los vínculos materno-filiales,
basándose en la hipótesis de Frieda Fromm
Reichmann sobre el poder esquizofrenógeno
de las madres de pacientes diagnosticados
de psicosis (2).
Pero quién ha sido considerado pionero en
la creación de la terapia multifamiliar fue el
psiquiatra alemán Peter Laqueur (3). Direc-
tor de un departamento para pacientes diag-
nosticados de esquizofrenia de un hospital
psiquiátrico del estado de Nueva York. La-
queur observó que las familias se ayudaban
Anna Sala Estrada