2019 - n.º
1. Shibata T, Wada K. Robot Therapy: A
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3. Wada K, Shibata T, Saito T, Tanie K, edi-
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4. Abdi J, Al-Hindawi A, Ng T, Viz-
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5. Sung HC, Chang SM, Chin MY, Lee WL.
Robot-assisted therapy for improving
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adults: A pilot study. Asia Pac Psychia-
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6. Jøranson N, Pedersen I, Rokstad AMM,
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systematic investigation of behaviors
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7. Chu MT, Khosla R, Khaksar SMS,
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through social robot engagement to
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8. Jøranson N, Pedersen I, Rokstad AMM,
Ihlebæk C. Effects on symptoms of
agitation and depression in persons
with dementia participating in robot-
assisted activity: a cluster-randomized
controlled trial. J Am Med Dir Assoc.
2015;16(10):867-73. doi: 10.1016/j.
9. Jøranson N, Pedersen I, Rokstad AMM,
Ihlebæk C. Change in quality of life
in older people with dementia partici-
pating in Paro activity: a cluster ran-
domized controlled trial. J Adv Nurs.
2016;72(12):3020-33. doi: 10.1111/
10. Moyle W, Cooke M, Beattie E, Jones C,
Klein B, Cook G, et al. Exploring the
effect of companion robots on emotio-
nal expression in older adults with de-
mentia: a pilot randomized controlled
trial. J Gerontol Nurs. 2013;39(5):46-
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11. Moyle W, Jones CJ, Murfield JE, Thalib
L, Beattie ERA, Shum DKH, et al. Use
of a Robotic Seal as a Therapeutic Tool
to Improve Dementia Symptoms: A
Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. J
Am Med Dir Assoc. 2017;18(9):766-73.
doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2017.03.018.
12. Takayanagi K, Kirita T, Shibata T.
Comparison of Verbal and Emotional
Natalia Rosillo Carretero / Enrique Pérez Sáez / Elisa Pérez Redondo / Beatriz Peláez Hernández