2019 - n.º
habría que desarrollar intervenciones que
fomenten el sentido de competencia de las
personas para que sean capaces de resolver
situaciones cotidianas y así poder reducir
conductas de evitación. Por otro lado, los
estresores que han podido ser identificados
en el estudio, no siempre guardan relación
con el contexto laboral, siendo los ámbitos
personal y familiar elementos importantes a
los que se les debe prestar atención desde
los CRL. Es necesario prestar especial cui-
dado desde el contexto empresarial en los
cambios que en ocasiones se producen en
las funciones de los puestos de trabajo e
incluso en las condiciones laborales, en la
recompensa hacia los trabajadores y en el
clima laboral. Los bajos salarios limitan el
desarrollo de un proyecto vital que además
incluya la independencia y emancipación de
la persona.
Las conclusiones y resultados de este es-
tudio serán reseñados más delante de este
Palabras clave:
Trastorno mental grave,
rehabilitación laboral, riesgos psicosociales,
Comunidad de Madrid.
In recent years, laboral integration of
people with severe mental disorder is get-
ting special attention, becoming primary ob-
jective for intervention procedures. In this
direction, apart from being a flow of income,
work assures a rutine, diary structure, an in-
crease of social relationships, personal iden-
tity y a feel of worthisness. Laboral rehabi-
litation centers (CRL) are directed to attend
those people with mental disorders whom
have difficulties accesing to labour. At the
same time, CRL has the role of raising the
awareness of businesses in matter of impro-
ving work conditions of these people, being
laboural context an axis of growth, perso-
nal and proffesional. Objective: know the
perception of psychosocial risks of workers
atended on CRL centers of Madrid’s Comunity
and know the strategies to confront the ma-
nagement of those risks. Method: transversal
desing with a simple of 175 users, with at
least 3 months of work experience, without
being working in multiple jobs. Data of the
study have been collected by an ad hoc
questionnaire compounded with sociodemo-
graphic, laboural and clinical information,
an evaluation of psychosocial risks question-
naire DECORE (Luceño y Martín, 2008) y the
inventory of coping strategies CSI (Tobin,
Holroyd, Reynolds y Kigal, 1989. Adaptation
by Cano, Rodríguez y García, 2006). Conclu-
sions: under the perception of shears such
as the management of contingencies and
relational conflicts, there has to be develo-
ped interventions that encourage people's
sense of ability, feeling then able to solve
everyday situations, so that they can redu-
ce avoidance behaviors. On the other hand,
the shears identified in the study, doesn´t
allways have relation with laboural context,
but with personal and family matters, ma-
jor elements which need attention from CRL
centers. Taking care of the business context
is a key factor on the changes that under
some circumstances happend over job roles
and conditions, even in rewards and working
climate. Low wages limit the development of
a vital Project, including Independence and
self maintenance.
The conclusions and results of this study
will be reviewed later in this article.
Key words:
Serious mental disorder, laboral
rehabilitation, psychosocial risks, Madrid´s
Vanesa Delgado Garcia