2020 - n.º
Se realiza valoración integral del pacien-
te en domicilio. Se ajusta tratamiento para
control sintomático. Si se consigue estabili-
dad clínica y cuenta con soporte, retorna a
la comunidad bajo la supervisión de Aten-
ción Primaria.
Si no se consigue estabilización de sínto-
mas solicitamos ingreso en HMDM, en plaza
de ME, LE o UPG. Hasta que tengamos cama
en hospitalización, el paciente queda en el
domicilio con seguimiento de los profesiona-
les de la Unidad.
Después de realizar la valoración inicial
y a la espera del recurso adecuado, se han
podido evitar un considerable número de in-
gresos en medio hospitalario, continuando
el seguimiento en el domicilio o derivados a
consultas externas.
En el artículo se presentarán los resultados
referentes a los años 2016- 2019 que inclui-
rán el total de pacientes atendidos y los que
lo han sido en Hospitalización domiciliaria.
Palabras clave:
Psicogeriatría. Alteraciones
conductuales. Crisis. Domicilio.
Due to the aging of the population, it is
believed that from the year 2015 to 2050
the world population over 60 years old will
almost double, they will go from 12% to
22% ( December 2017). One of the conse-
quences that this will bring, is a paradigm
shift and new social and health challenges.
In Catalonia, an increase in the ratio from
people over 65 is foreseen in 1, 5 million in
the year 2020. Given these facts, the Cri-
sis Attention Psychogeriatric Patient Unit is
In 2013 a pilot program was created,
providing services in the North area of Bar-
celona. At the end of 2015, the Unit was
providing attention to the entire city of
Barcelona. In 2018 the program was fully
developed and subsidized by the CatSalut.
The target population, are psychogeria-
tric patients that have behavioural alte-
rations which affects their daily lives and
put them at risk. This group includes two
subgroups: older patient with mental issues
and disabilities (patients who do not go to
their medical appointments and require a
multidisciplinary intervention, with AP and
UCIAS); patients with cognitive impairment
(dementia, neurological pathologies, fragi-
le: with functional o cognitive decline, high
dependency of caregivers and various chro-
nic pathologies ( MACA).
The Unit ‘s objectives are the following:
improve the behavioural alterations, assess
their clinical state and improve the coordi-
nation between different health services, to
be able to guarantee that all the patient´s
needs are taken care during home hospita-
lization, with the follow up of a specialized
unit, and decide which is the most adequate
resource for the patient.
When the patient is visited at home by
the Units sanitary resources, it receives
a thorough assessment. The treatment is
checked and if it is required, it is adjusted
according to the symptoms. If by making
these adjustments, the behavioural altera-
tion disappear and the patient has support
to maintain the treatment, returns to a fo-
llow up by the Primary Unit in its area.
If the patient´s symptoms cannot be sta-
bilized, it is requested that the patient be
admitted at the Hospital Mare de Déu de
la Mercè ( HMDM), until a bed is available
at the hospital, the patient will remain at
home with the Unit´s services provided by
professionals to have the follow-ups. The
hospitalization could be for 60 days a media
Dra. Carme Bassedas Ballús / Dra. Eva Mateu / Isabel Molina / Laura Beraza / Lluc Martin.