2017 - n.º
(version for Children and Adolescents
of the PAS-ADD) among Children and
Young People With Severe and Profound
Intellectual Disability
The Mental Disability, here called Intellectual
Developmental Disorder (IDD), according to the
working group of ICD-11, shows high prevalen-
ce of psychiatric morbidity associated, wich is
poorly diagnosed. The Dual Diagnosis perspec-
tive in IDD seeks to clarify this situation in the
global context of the difficulties presented by
the person with IDD. This article presents the
data resulting from application of an instru-
ment designed for the detection of psychiatric
pathology on children and young people with
IDD, the ChA-PAS (Child Adolescent Psychia-
tric Assessment Schedules), and evaluates the
consistency of the results with the psychiatric
diagnoses previously made clinically.
In the results, the vast majority of the study po-
pulation (91%) have a psychiatric illness asso-
ciated with PDI, with a predominance of the ASD
and ADHD. The prevailing condition in people
with Profound IDD is the leading one, while in
people with Severe IDD, ADHD is the most repre-
sented. The degree of concordance with previous
clinical diagnosis was 100%, which supports the
hypothesis that ChA-PAS is an interesting ins-
trument in evaluating this population.
We conclude also that even with appropriate
instruments, assessment of people with PDI,
especially with Severe and Profound levels,
is always a challenge. The exploration of new
instruments and their translation, admeasure-
ment, and validation for the Portuguese po-
pulation can be an asset for people with PDI.
Key words:
Intellectual Disability; Double
Diagnosis; Assessment Instruments.
Conflictos de Interés
Este trabajo está apoyado por el Plan
Nacional de Salud Mental – Dirección
General de Salud, y los autores se
comprometen a su finalización. No hay
conflictos de interés de los autores con
cualquier otra entidad.
Conflicts of Interest
This work is supported by the Portuguese
Plano Nacional de Saúde Mental – Direcção
Geral de Saúde, compromising the authors
for completion. There are no conflicts of
interest of authors with any other entity.
João Albuquerque