Informaciones Psiquiátricas 2022 - n.º 248 145 Abstract The brain functional correlates of delusions have been relatively little studied. However, a virtual reality paradigm simulating travel on the London Underground has been found to evoke referential ideation in both healthy subjects and patients with schizophrenia, making brain activations in response to such experiences potentia- lly identifiable. Ninety patients with schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder and 28 healthy controls underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging while they viewed virtual reality versions of full and empty Barcelo- na Metro carriages. There were no significant differences in activa- tion between groups. However, patients with persecutory delusions showed a cluster of reduced activation compared to those without delusions in a region in the right temporal/occipital cortex. The finding of a cluster of reduced activation close to the right temporo- parietal junction in patients with persecutory delusions specifically is of potential interest, as this region is believed to play a role in social cognition. Keywords: delusions, schizophrenia, virtual reality, fMRI CORRELATOS CEREBRALES DE LOS DELIRIOS REFERENCIALES/DE PERSECUCIÓN EN LA ESQUIZOFRENIA: EXAMEN USANDO RMF Y UN PARADIGMA DE REALIDAD VIRTUAL DE UN VIAJE EN METRO