38 Informaciones Psiquiátricas 2022 - n.º 249 mediante el programa estadístico SPSS® (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) versión 20.0.Se realizó un análisis descrip- tivo de todas las variables recogidas. El estudio cuenta con algunas limitaciones y aspectos éticos que se han tenido en cuenta en el desarrollo de este. El presupuesto que se precisó para dicha actividad fue limitado, ya que la intervención ya se estaba realizan- do previamente. Se llevó a cabo durante el año 2018. Palabras clave: estimulación cognitiva, demencia, deterioro cognitivo, enfermería, hospital de día. Abstract Dementia in Spain occurs up to 15% of those over 65 years of age, and the 17.2% of those over the age of 70. Its non- pharmacological approach includes the cognitive stimulation which provides clear benefits according to the literature. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of cognitive stimulation in patients admitted to the Parc Sanitari Pere Virgili (PSPV) day hospital (HD), evaluating it’s cognitive, functional, social and emotional impact on the patient. Methodology: A prospective longitudinal study of intervention. A transversal cut was made before starting the therapy and a cut cross when finished. Both cuts were compared concluding if there was significant differences between them. The study was carried out in the HD of the PSPV. Its subjects were the patients admitted to the HD of the PSPV, who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study. The data was collected from the patients who underwent Cognitive Stimulation from January/February to November/December or 2018. There was a total of 56 participants in the study. Intervention carried out were the therapies are being fulfilled at the HD, including, oral, written or computerized cognitive stimulation and collective gymnastics: if it was required, they also could performe physiotherapy or occupational therapy. The different variables were collected in the Data Collection Notebook, they included: Age, Gender, MMSE, Barthel and Lawton. The statistical analysis of the data was carried out using the statistical program SPSS® (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) version 20.0. A descriptive analysis of all variables was performed. The study has some limitations and ethical aspects that have been taken into account in its development. The budget required for said activity was limited, since the intervention was already being carried out previously. It was executed out during the year 2018. Key words: cognitive stimulation, dementia, cognitive impairment, nursing, day hospital. Elisabeth Calvo Fernández