12 Informaciones Psiquiátricas 2022 - n.º 247 schizoaffective and delusional disorder), 3) illness duration > 2 years, 4) moderate le- vel of functioning (GAF/EEAG ≤  60: moderate symptoms or moderate difficulties in social, professional or educational activity). Caregiver: 1) primary caregiver (the care- giver who was most intensively and exten- sively involved in the care of the patient according to the patient and the referring health professional). Patient and caregiver: 1) willingness and actual ability to participate 2) give their in- formed consent to participate. Exclusion criteria for the care unit Patient: 1) diagnosis of borderline perso- nality disorder or intellectual disability, 2) being legally incapacitated; Caregiver: 1) another member of the hou- sehold requires care due to mental or soma- tic illness; Both: 1) have a severe or decompensated somatic illness, 2) have received structured psychoeducational training within the last year. Procedure The study followed the conditions of the Declaration of Helsinki (23) and was appro- ved by the Clinical Research Ethics Commit- tee of the Sisters Hospitallers in Barcelona. Information was provided in 12 mental health centres. Families wishing to parti- cipate (user and main caregiver) were re- quired to read and sign the informed con- sent document. A total of 2,234 care units (patient/primary caregiver) were informa- te; 1,809 care units (caregiver or patient) refused to participate and 201 cases were excluded after a first interview on account of not meeting the inclusion criteria (Figure 1). After the first individual interview, we proceeded to the evaluation interviews of the study where data were recorded, inclu- ding questionnaires heteroadministered by trained health personnel. Emilio Rojo / María Jesús San Pío / Gemma Marcet / Francisco José Eiroa-Orosa / Josep Rojo