52 Informaciones Psiquiátricas 2022 - n.º 246 En nuestro trabajo los fármacos que más elevan la prolactina son: amisulpiride, zi- prasidona, clorpromacina, risperidona y ha- loperidol. Y los que menos la elevan son: clozapina, risperidona depot, aripiprazol y olanzapina. Palabras clave: hiperprolactinemia, antipsicóticos, esquizofrenia. Abstract Antipsychotic-induced hyperprolactinemia in residents of a social health center. Objective: Hyperprolactinemia is a side effect of treatment with antipsychotics. The main aim of this report was to study the prolactin level and assess the association between hyperprolactinemia and receive an- tipsychotics medication (alone or in combi- nation) in a sample of patiens admitted to our centre. Method: Prolactin level was measured in a sample of inpatients in our centre (N=295: 71.1% women and 47.3 % men). Hyperpro- lactinemia is usually defined by a sustained prolactin level above the laboratory upper le- vel of normal. In our study, this normal level was considered at 25 ng/ml for woman and at 20ng/ml for men. Tha data were analy- zed with the SPSS 24.0 tool for Windows: a descriptive study by frequencies, hypothesis testing the Chi-square and the measure of association Cramer's V and Lambda. Results: The 57.95% of the patients had hyperprolactinemia. Among the ones who were receiving first-generation antipsycho- tics (N = 59) the 71.18% have hyperpro- lactinemia. If they were receiving second- generation antipsychotics (N = 168) 52.97% and when they were receiving both (N = 68) 58.82%. In addition, there is a statistically signi- ficant association between having hyperpro- lactinemia and receiving first-generation or second-generation antipsychotics, or both; as well as receiving one antipsychotic or two or more than two. In our study, the drugs that increase pro- lactin level the most were: amisulpiride, zi- prasidone, chlorpromazine, risperidone and haloperidol. And those that raise it the least were: clozapine, depot risperidone, aripipra- zole and olanzapine. Key Words: hyperprolactinemia, antipsycho- tics, schizophrenia. C. Botillo Martín / G. Hoyos Villagrá / J.M. Valles de la Calle / I. Herreros Guilarte / A. Ayuso Lanchares / E. González-Pablos / C. Martín-Lorenzo