24 Informaciones Psiquiátricas 2022 - n.º 246 terapeutas intervenciones más directivas al inicio de las sesiones a intervenciones de acompañamiento y facilitación a medida que se desarrollaba el grupo. Conclusiones La actividad grupal permitió un espacio de contención emocional, seguridad, informa- ción, reflexión, educación e integración para los participantes. Palabras clave : Psicoterapia de Grupo. Uni- dad de Agudos. Hospitalización Psiquiátrica. COVID-19. Confinamiento. THERAPEUTIC GROUP EXPERIENCE DURING CONFINEMENT BY COVID-19 IN AN ACUTE PSYCHIATRIC UNIT Summary The present work consists of the descrip- tion of the group sessions that were ca- rried out during the confinement because of COVID-19 in the Acute Unit 1 of General Psychiatry of the Hospital Sagrat Cor de Mar- torell, in Barcelona. An open group was proposed with those admitted patients who voluntarily agreed to participate, as a proposal to the high emo- tional response of the moment. A weekly one-hour group session was held over six weeks. The therapeutic team was constitu- ted by both professionals from the unit and those from outpatient resources, adopting an interdisciplinary character. The outstan- ding themes extracted from the summaries of each session were described. A total of 41 patients with diagnostic heterogeneity par- ticipated; personality disorders (26.83%), bipolar disorder (19.51%), schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders (19.51%) and depressive disorders (14.61%). The remai- ning percentage (19.54%) corresponds to other diagnoses. 46.34% of the total of pa- tients have presented substance use in co- morbidity. The main themes are the management of anxiety due to admission under confinement conditions; compression of regulations be- cause of COVID-19; and the development of a dialogue capacity, responsibility and care of the participants. More directive interven- tions were described in the therapists at the beginning of the sessions towards accompa- niment interventions as the group develops. Conclusions The group activity allowed a space for emotional containment, security, informa- tion, reflection, education and integration for the participants. Key words : Group Psychotherapy. Acute Unit. Psychiatric Hospitalization. COVID-19. Confinement. Pedro Yscadar / Nuria Jaurrieta / Diego Paiva / María A. Castaño / Mercedes Pérez-Gómez / Lara Pajuelo