28 Informaciones Psiquiátricas 2021 - n.º 244 guardia fué de 267 en 10 años y el 85,77% corresponden al área de Personas Mayores. El número de derivaciones al Hospital Gene- ral es de 679 en los 10 años, el 31,96% por problemas osteomusculares y corresponden el 40,35% a Personas Mayores. Conclusiones: La atención médica continuada en un Cen- tro Sociosanitario en 10 años con un núme- ro total de 35.282 intervenciones y una me- dia diaria de 9,66. La mayor parte son por patología psiquiátrica. Por áreas, las aten- ciones más frecuentes son en personas con Discapacidad Intelectual. Las derivaciones al hospital general dan una media de 67,9 al año, el 31,96% por problemas osteomuscu- lares y las más frecuentes son en el área de mayores. El número de defunciones atendi- das durante el horario de guardia tiene una media de 26,7 al año. Tanto las derivaciones al servicio de Urgencias del hospital general como el número de defunciones, son com- parativamente menores que en centros de características similares. Palabras clave: Centro Sociosanitario, atención médica urgente. CONTINUED MEDICAL CARE IN A SOCIAL AND HEALTH CENTRE. ANALYSIS OF 10 YEARS Abstract Introduction: The Social and Health center Hermanas Hospitalarias of Palencia has three Healthca- re Areas: Mental Health, the Elderly Persons and Intellectual Disability. With a total of 618 beds, it offers comprehensive assistance to people with different pathologies. The medi- cal guard service attends to medical emergen- cies and emergencies that occur in the three areas during the continuous medical care shi- fts: afternoon, night, weekends and holidays. At national and international level there are healthcare devices that ensure the treatment required for any emergency. Objective: Know the number of urgent medical care in- terventions per year and over 10 years (2010 to 2019), the typology of the pathologies at- tended, the area to which the patients atten- ded belong, referrals to the general hospital and deaths. Method: Retrospective descriptive study. Statistics of the data collected daily during 10 years. Results: Over the 10 years studied, a total of 35,282 emergency medical services have been perfor- med, with notable annual variations. 44.7% of the attentions are for psychiatric pathology, 8.83% for the respiratory system, 7.91% for the digestive system, etc. 47.16% of the care is with people from the Intellectual Disabili- ty area, 31.27% from the Elderly Persons area and 15.01% from the Mental Health area. The number of deceased persons is 267 in 10 years and 85.77% correspond to the Elderly area. The number of referrals to the General Hospi- tal is 679 in the 10 years, 31.96% due to mus- culoskeletal problems and 40.35% correspond to the Elderly Persons. Conclusions: Continued medical care in a Social and Health center in the last 10 years shows a total volume of 35,282 services, with a daily average of 9.11. Most of them are due to psychiatric pathology. By areas, the most frequent care is for people with Intellectual Disabilities. Referrals to the general hospital give an average of 67.9 a year, 31.96% for musculoskeletal problems and the most fre- G. Hoyos Villagrá / E. González-Pablos / A. Cepeda Andrés / J.M. Valles de la Calle / I. Herreros Guilarte / M.C. Moreno Villalba / C. Botillo Martín / F.J. Subirá Pérez / C. Martín-Lorenzo