100 Informaciones Psiquiátricas 2021 - n.º 244 C. Martín-Lorenzo / E. Negro González / G. Hoyos Villagrá / A. Gento Ruipérez / I. Herreros Guilarte / J. Aguado Rodríguez / A. Cepeda Andrés / J.M. Valles de la Calle / M.C. Moreno Villalba / J.J. Sáenz Estrada / A.M. Escudero Rodríguez / C. Acebes Ortega / N. Arce Martín / M.M. Martín Moyano / A. Palenzuela Sardón / A. Cabrerizo Gallo / A. Ayuso Lanchares / E. González-Pablos de 81.60 años, un 60.3% son mujeres y el tiempo medio de hospitalización ha sido de 22.21 días. La procedencia de los participan- tes es: hospital (86%), domicilio particular (26%) y residencias (4%), el lugar de proce- dencia incluía diferentes ciudades de Castilla y León. El alta por curación es el 87,1%, un 5.17% fallece, a un 6.89% se deriva al hos- pital. A su alta el 46.6% va a su domicilio y a una residencia el 40.5%. Conclusiones: La utilización de centros socio- sanitarios es posible en circunstancias de cri- sis sanitaria, que supongan la descongestión de recursos básicos, así como ofrecer ventajas añadidas: atención especializada por un equi- po interdisciplinar, mayor comodidad para el usuario, menor coste económico, etc. Palabras clave: COVID-19, Centro Sociosani- tario, Unidad de estancia temporal. RESIDENTIAL UNIT OF TEMPORARY STAY FOR PEOPLE WITH CONFIRMED INFECTION BY COVID-19: PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Abstract: Fundamentals: During the state of alarm in Cas- tilla y León, a residential care device was created in a Social Health Center. The population cared for were people with a positive COVID-19 diag- nosis, stable from a clinical point of view, but unable to fend for themselves and unable to re- turn to their usual home upon discharge from hospital. The objective is to describe the opera- tion and coordination of the Unit and study the characteristics of the population served. Methods: Through a mixed descriptive methodo- logy. For a description of the operation of the Unit, interviews with the team members. Statis- tical analysis was performed using SPSS 24.0., With descriptive studies and descriptive studies by frequencies. Results: The participants are 127 people ser- ved. The mean age of the population is 81.60 years, 60.3% are women and the mean hospi- talization time has been 22.21 days. The origin of the participants is: hospital (86%), private home (26%) and residences (4%), the place of origin included different cities in Castilla y León. 87.1% were discharged due to cure, 5.17% died, and 6.89% were referred to the hospital. Upon discharge, 46.6% go to their home and 40.5% to a residence. Conclusions: The use of social health centers is possible in circumstances of health crisis, which involve the decongestion of basic resources, as well as offering added advantages: speciali- zed care by an interdisciplinary team, greater comfort for the user, lower economic cost, etc. Keywords: COVID-19, Social and Health Cen- ter, Temporary stay unit.